We are excited to announce that the ORPHEUS annual Conference 2024 on Innovative Strategies and Concepts for PhD Education in Biomedicine and Health Sciences is being hosted by David Tvildiani Medical University (DTMU) in Tbilisi, Georgia on April 18 ā 20.
This conference will present innovations in interdisciplinary and cross sectoral doctoral programs, emphasizing their impact on society and on training for physicians. How can ORPHEUS support those programs and what innovative approaches in teaching, learning, research and supervision can be offered in program delivery? The conference will also address how universities and/or PhD programs can respond to the EUA Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment within existing practices in Biomedicine and Health Sciences. We anticipate that the ORPHEUS conference in Georgia, will provide many opportunities for sharing your experience, expertise and ideas, thus fostering quality enhancements in Doctoral Education for the biomedical profession and society.
Format of the conference includes keynote lectures, short communication sessions, panel discussions, workshops and poster presentations.
Considering the aim and the concept of the conference, keynote speakers from international organizations and experts of the field are invited to share their experiences:
ā¢ ORPHEUS: President of the organization Professor John Creemers and honorable members from Executive committee and Labeling.
ā¢ EUA-CDE: Professor Stephane Berghmans one of the founders of CoARA coalition and author of EUA Agreement.
ā¢ AMEE: President of Association of Medical Education in Europe Professor Subha Ramani
ā¢ AMSE: President of Association of Medical Schools in Europe Professor Harm Peters
ā¢ WFME: President of World Federation of Medical Education Professor Ricardo-Leon Borquez
ā¢ ANVUR: Professor Menico Rizzi, Italian National Agency for the evaluation of Universities and Research Centers, member of the Steering Board of the global initiative CoARA ā Coalition for Advancing research assessment.
ā¢ Professor Ken Masters Associate Professor of Medical Informatics in the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman
For detailed information about the preliminary program, registration and abstract submission please visit www.orpheus2024.ge
In case of additional questions please contact Local Organizing Committee: orpheus2024@dtmu.edu.ge