
The central scientific research laboratory (further central laboratory) at the David Tvildiani Medical University, was established in order to perform scientific researches, as well as to support the process of the educational programs in the university. Central laboratory specializes in basic and applied medical researches and includes 5 thematic laboratories, particularly: laboratory for study of the impact of environmental factors, electrophysiological and microbiological laboratories that draw together thematic, multidisciplinary research. Currently pathomorphological and biochemical laboratories are in the process of formation.

Central Laboratory supports students’ to involve in scientific research process, with their direct contribution and active participation, through the delivery of laboratory-methodological knowledge and training for the research project implementation. Laboratories include expedition and instrumental research rooms, equipped with the modern medical and computer techniques. The staff of the central laboratory take active part in the international thematic conferences, publishes in high-impact scientific journals and cooperates with the relevant topic research centers in the world-wide.

The microbiological laboratory focuses their research interest in applied microbiology, bacteriophage research and phage therapy

Photos 1. 2. Microbiological laboratory

In the electrophysiological laboratory there are possibility to conduct several electrophysiological investigation. Laboratory focuses on the study of cortex electrical neuronal activity.

Photos 3. 4. Electrophysiological laboratory

The environmental factors impact laboratory specializes on the study of the effects of space weather and geomagnetic storms on humans’ cardiovascular, central and autonomic nervous systems measuring specific stress-reactions via using heart rate variability, electrocardiography, electroencephalography methods and methods for assessing of neurobehavioral changes.

Photos 5. 6. Environmental factors impact laboratory

In 2014-2016 laboratory was granted by the International scientific and technological center (ISTC, project G-2094 “Elaboration of a universal test of magnetosensitivity” As a result of the implementation of the project in the lab is possible to conduct biomedical and magnetobiological research via experimental simulation and compensation of the geomagnetic field (GMF). In 2018 the research team received Georgian patent IPR P 6823, Bulletin of Patents, 20 (480), “The technique of the simulation of geomagnetic storms”

Publications 2023

1. Ramishvili, A., Janashia, K., & Tvildiani, L. (2023), High Heart Rate Variability Causes Better Adaptation to the Impact of Geomagnetic Storms. Atmosphere, 14(12), 1707.

2. Janashia, K., Chikviladze, A., Ramishvili, A. Tvildiani, N. (2023) Analyzing Response Time for Assessing the Adaptation Stress in First-Year Healthy Medical Students. Creative Education, 14, 1258-1268. doi: 10.4236/ce.2023.146080.

3. K. Janashia, A. Chikviladze, A. Ramishvili, N. Tvildiani, (2023), Healthy male first-year students do not experience stress in the new environment as evidenced by mental chronometry, Abstract Booklet, DPG 2023, A 05-11.

4. K. Janashia, A. Ramishvili, L. Tvildiani, G. Ramishvili, (2023), Baseline high cardiac vagal tone in healthy males provides better adaptation to high geomagnetic activity. International journal of psychophysiology, 188:101-102. Elsevier, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2023.05.261

5. A. Chikviladze, K. Janashia, A. Ramishvili, (2023), An experimental study of mental chronometry among healthy medical students, using a virtual model for assessing the decision-making process. International Journal of Psychophysiology: 188:113-114. Elsevier, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2023.05.261

6. K. Janashia, L. Tvildiani, T. Tsibadze, N. Invia, V. K. Kukhianidze, G. Ramishvili, (2022), Effects of Magneto Active Compensation of Geomagnetic Field on Heart Rate Variability of Healthy Males, Sun and Geosphere; 15 (1), 7-11. ISSN 2367-8852,

Publications 2022:

  1. K. Janashia, A.Chikviladze, A. Ramishvili, L. Mikeladze, A study of mental activity among healthy medical students using a virtual model to investigate acute cognitive stress effects, European Journal of Education Studies, 9 (8):305-317, 2022, DOI:
  2. K. Janashia, A. Chikviladze, G. Sanadiradze, A. Ramishvili, N. Tvildiani; An experimental study of mental activity in healthy individuals using simple and complex sensorimotor reactions time to various visual stimuli, Acta Physiologica v236, s725, 819-820,
  3. A. Ramishvili, K. Janashia, L. Tvildiani, G. Ramishvili; Different baseline autonomic self-regulation in healthy males causes different sensitive reactions to high geomagnetic activity, Acta Physiologica, v236, s725, 967-968,
  4. N. Invia, Z. Gurtskaia, K. Janashia, L. Tvildiani, Geomagnetic storms magneto active compensation and simulation device, 5th Virtual Congress on Materials Science & Engineering, Outlining the Importance of Materials Science for a Better Future, Materials Info 2022, Book of abstract, p. 35,
  5. A. Ramishvili, K. Janashia, L. Tvildiani, Investigation of the effects of geomagnetic storms on healthy males heart rate autonomic regulation, in natural and simulated conditions, using geomagnetic field time-varying component compensation technology, Proceedings of 19th international medical Ph.D. conference, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, 24-25 November.


  • K. Janashia, A. Tsibadze, L. Tvildiani, N. Invia, V. Kukhianidze, G. Ramishvili, Effects of magneto active compensation of geomagnetic field on heart rate variability of healthy males, J. Sun and Geosphere, v. 5, n. 1, 29. 01. 2020, in press.
  • K. Janashia, L. Tvildiani, T. Tsibadze, N. Invia, V. Kukhianidze, G. Ramishvili, Reactions of the Autonomic Nervous System of Healthy Male Humans on the Natural and Simulated Conditions of the Geomagnetic Field, American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine. Vol. 8, No. 4, 2020, pp. 69-76. doi: 10.11648/j.ajcem.20200804.12
  • L. Tvildiani, K. Janashia, T. Tsibadze, N. Invia, Reaction of the autonomic nervous system of healthy males on the compensated and modeled geomagnetic storms, Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Biomedical series, Proceedings of the International Congress of Georgian Ivane Beritashvil Society of Physiologists, 45 (3-4), 193, Tbilisi, Georgia, 2019, ISSN-0321-1665.
  • Poster presentation: „Humans’ Sensitive Reactions during Different Geomagnetic Activity: An Experimental study in Natural and Simulated Conditions. “Sixteenth European Space Weather Week”, Liege, Belgium, 18-22 November, 2019,
  • Janashia, K; Tvildiani, L; Tsibadze, T; Invia, N, (2022), Effects of the Geomagnetic Field time – varying components compensation as evidenced by heart rate variability of healthy males, J. Life sciences in Space research, 32: 38-44,
  • L. Tvildiani, K. Janashia, A. Tsibadze, N. Invia, and E. Kubaneishvili, Georgian patent 6823 (invention), Bulletin of Patents, 20 (480), “The method of the modeling of geomagnetic storms” 2018. This patent was awarded by “Silver Prize” on the „14th Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition – KIWIE 2021“,

Ethical aspect

In lab research activity the ethical standards are complied with: The laws of Georgia, the Helsinki Declaration as well as data protection stipulations. All participants give their written consent to participate in the studies. The studies are conducted according to the guidelines of the clinical trials service of the U.S. National Institutes of Health ( The measurement procedures and methods applied are non-invasive and approved according to the relevant guidelines. In the research process are used only recordings of natural geomagnetic storms to which the human organism has adapted evolutionarily and where strengths of the simulated magnetic fields are in the range of the lower permissible MF exposure limits in “accordance” with the WHO’s international Magnetic Fields Health and Safety Guides: “IPCS International Program on chemical Safety, Health and Safety Guide No. 27, Magnetic Fields Health and Safety Guide (”