The structure and format of the MD curricula and the teaching management system are original, holding the copyright. They are specially designed to increase the efficiency and comprehensibility of the learning process: Modules are integrated into organ – system oriented rotations. An academic year consists of 40 instructional weeks (240 instructional days) divided into two 20-week semesters: fall and spring semesters. The semesters are separated by holidays. On the base of ECTS (Europe Credit Transfer and Accommodation System) 30 credits are attached to the workload of each 20-week semester. Thus, one academic year comprises 60 credits; one credit equals 30 working hours, 16 hours of which are contact hours and 14 hours are intended for student’s independent work. The learning process is performed 6 days a week , 4 hours a day. Each rotation is concluded by a complex test – quiz. Student knowledge assessment is a computer based testing that ensures maximal objectiveness.