The graduation event of our university was held on February 27, 2024, (spring flow of graduates)
According to the university’s tradition, the graduating students take the Hippocratic Oath ā which brings together future doctors living around the world, medical university graduates, and what is called the swearing in of Hippocrates.
The students shared the emotions of their 6 years at the university, they had interesting speeches.
Traditionally, students named the best lecturer from the basic and clinical course.
The best lecturer of the basic course – Nugzar Narsia and the best lecturer of the clinical course – Lasha Gulbani, who were given a certificate and the unique brooches created specifically for them.
Traditionally, the students sang the anthem “Gaudeamus Igitur” and At the end of the event, cutting the ceremonial cake.
We congratulate our graduates on a new stage of life, and wish them success in their life path.