
Electronic scientific databases

Most of the scientific research journals represented in the electronic databases have been

assigned a Thomson Reuters and Scopus citation index

Edward Elgar Publishing Journals and Development Studies – presents journals and books on
humanitarian and economic direction. Books on public and social governance, corporate
governance, migration, infrastructure development, intellectual property research. Monographs,
manuals and reference books

Cambridge Journals Online – Presents journals of humanities and social sciences, as well as natural
sciences, including: astronomy, mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography, history, linguistics,
philosophy, politics, law, management, sociology, psychology, art, mass media and communication.

e-Duke Journals Scholarly Collection – Journals are presented in the following areas: art history,
culturology, pedagogics, philosophy, gender, international relations, regional and religious studies,
theory of sociology

SAGE Premier – features scholarly articles from top-ranked journals in the humanities, social
sciences, business, and medicine.

Mathematical Sciences Publishers Journals – 17 refereed journals from mathematics and related
disciplines are presented, the main fields of which are: mathematics, mechanics, engineering

Royal Society Journals Collection – scientific journals of biological direction are
presented. Also, materials from physics, mathematics, and related field disciplines.

IMechE Journals – the database presents the journals available on the SAGE publishing platform, the
main direction of which is mechanical engineering. Here you will find medical and sports engineering, as well as aviation and machine building engineering directions.

ACM Digital Library – The database includes journals, conference materials, newspapers, websites,
and multimedia files. See also computer literature guides, and other works cited. The main direction
is information technology, software, data analytics, artificial intelligence, cyber security.

European Respiratory Journal – a database of clinical and experimental medicine, which presents
articles on biological, epidemiological, immunological, oncological, etc. with directions. At this stage,
the journals impact factor is 24

The Company of Biologists Journals – presents a journal covering the fields of organismal
development, cell science, and experimental biology

OpenEdition Journals – French-language journals in the field of humanities and social sciences are
presented. The database also has an English-language interface. A small number of articles are
published simultaneously in English, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese.



Mathematical Sciences Publishers Journals

The Company Biologists’ Journals

The ACM Digital Library (DL)


Science Direct